81mm RCGM


81mm RCGM

81mm Roll Controlled Guided Mortar (RCGM)

Affordable, Precision-Guided Mortar
In today and tomorrow’s conflicts there is a greater need for increased precision on target with reduced collateral damage. General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems’ 81mm Roll Controlled Guided Mortar (RCGM) provides an affordable, flexible solution to meet that need.
How the RCGM works:

Target coordinates are programed into the RCGM using a portable GPS setter. The fuze is set manually to proximity, point detonate, or delay modes. Once the mortar is launched the on-board GPS acquires satellites and determines the mortar’s position and vertical reference (up). Based on continuous GPS updates, the auto-pilot calculates corrections and sends commands to the canards to continuously maneuver the mortar toward the target. Upon impact the mortar detonates in the desired mode.

Benefits of 81mm RCGM
  • Can be fired from the existing UK L16 and US M252 weapon systems
  • Multi-mode fuze (proximity, point detonate, delay)
  • Portable GPS setter
  • 30% reduction in logistic drag due to fewer rounds needed to complete mission
  • 75% RCGM components in production and combat proven
  • Offers affordable precision for the front line
  • Portable precision munition for the infantry

Illustration Showing Rounds to Defeat Compound at 3.7km Range

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